Thursday, June 26, 2008

Owen's favorite sleeping position... what a dude!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Owen has become Ryan's "mini me"

Working with dad

Our friends Jeremy and Anna and there new son Parker. Parker is 6 weeks older than Owen
Grandpa Tom got Owen a few Ohio State gifts. He loves his new hat.


Owen really likes having his hand up when he sleeps.

Grandma Beth and Owen napping together

Me, Mom and Dad

Bath Time

Thank you Great Grandma Hughes for my Ohio State bath towel

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Grandma Beth enjoys a squeeze from Owen.

Kisses from Grandma Laura

Owen waving to everyone... click on the image to see the video.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I'm Here!

Hi, I am Owen Frank Hughes. I joined the Hughes family at 7:52pm on June 9th, 2008. I feel pretty good and am a healthy 8lbs, 4ozs. I have 10 fingers (all of which I have tasted) and 10 toes.

My Mom is all smiles after I pushed through. I made her progress very quickly through labor and even messed up my Daddy's car seats by poking through some watery stuff on ride to the hospital. Daddy was driving very fast... and it's a good thing because I was out into the world just minutes after arriving at the hospital. Mom was a little mad because their was no time for pain medications, but it made her recovery a little easier. She is a natural at the "mom" stuff already!

Some interesting facts about me:

  • I was born 4 days before my due date to make sure I had the same birthday as my Dad, Ryan. June, 9th!
  • My middle name, Frank, comes from my late great-grandfather (Grandma Beth's Dad).
  • I came home the next day on June 10th and am a pretty calm and content kid so far.