Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Cole is 1 month old

Our little guy is 1 month old today! He is doing very well - already outgrowing clothes. At is 2 week checkup he was 8 1/2 pounds and 22 inches - around the 75th percentile for height and 50th for weight. Owen is the chunky one and Cole will be the tall skinny one. Owen is still very interested in his brother, at times too interested but he is doing a good job. Both boys had a good time over thanksgiving with my dad and brother out and Ben and Veronica too.

Uncle Ben & Aunt Veronica

Uncle Chris & Gpa Tom Visit

Uncle Chris, Owen, & Gpa Tom
Owen & Mommy

Gpa Tom & Cole

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Cole and Owen meet

Kisses for Cole
Grandma Laura and her boys
Grandma Beth and her boys

Owen did very well with meeting Cole. He wanted to give lots of kisses to Cole - they can be a bit on the rough side but he means well.

Cole is here!!!

Cole is finally here! Ryan and I went into the hospital on Friday night to start the induction (I didn't want to have the birth experience that I did with Owen) Everything went very well, and by 8:08 am we had baby Cole. He was very nice to mommy and I only had to push about 1 or 2 times. I'm feeling very good, and Cole is doing well. I little jaundice but we are just trying to feed him often and he should be fine. Cole reminds me alot of Owen but his noise is a little bigger and Cole's cheeks are not as chunky.

Cole Thomas Hughes
Born 8:08 am
7lbs 14 oz
21 inches long

Monday, September 28, 2009

Talking to baby

It started with a kiss for the baby and turned into razzing mom's tummy. Owen is always entertaining.

Monday, September 7, 2009

San Diego Zoo

Brushing teeth

Owen loves to brush his teeth and take bath. You say the words and he goes running.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Family Time

30 weeks


Owen's favorite new thing to do is put on our shoes - mostly Ryan's


Before I went back to school we went camping in Mammoth with some friends over the weekend. We had a great time, Ryan got to go fishing every day and Owen and I went on lots of walks.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Playing with Dad

One of Owen's favorite toys to play with are his blocks. However, he has to fight dad to get a chance to play with them.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Young's Jersey Dairy

Grandpa Tom and Owen riding the John Deere

Owen didn't quite know what to think of all the animals in the barns, maybe it was the smell

Grandma Laura, Grandpa Tom, Owen, and cows

Owen liked feeding the goats -but we had to talk him out of tasting all the food.

We took Owen to Young's Dairy thinking he would just love the ice cream - he refused. One little bite and gave me the what are you thinking look. Oh well, more for me!

Hanging out with the Reeds

Grandpa Tom and Owen in the bob cat.
Grandma Laura and Owen playing with Cameron

Owen was helping Grandpa Tom with some chores

Sprinkler fun with Aunt Jeannie and Gabe