Monday, September 22, 2008

Getting bigger every day

Owen is growing more and more every day. He is about 14 pounds and just got his first tooth this weekend. He also has started to roll over when he is really mad. His personality is starting to show more and more every day.

Owen still likes to sleep with one hand up.
Owen and Dad at BW3's watching the game.

Thanks Grandpa Tom for my great sign. It looks wonderful in my room!
This is how Dad feeds me when mom is at work.

Cameron's Here!

Cameron Reed Toops joined the family September 3rd. He was almost the exact same weight and length as Owen. Mom, Jeannie is doing great. Jeannie decided to have two epidurals-one extra for her sis that didn't get to have one.

Grandma, daughters, and grandsons

Uncle Chris and the two little boys. We were sad that big brother Gabe wasn't at the hospital but he had the sniffles.
Uncle Ryan holding Cameron.

Having Fun in Ohio

Owen road in the stroller like a "big boy" for the first time in Ohio. This was also the first time we had to break out the jacket and shoes.
Hanging out in Grandpa Tony's office.
Sleeping with Grandpa Tom after swimming
This was Owen's first time in the pool. He was fine until he got his belly wet and then decided that it was too cold for him.

Grandpa Tom and Owen

Grandma Laura and her 2 boys (just a few hours before she got her third)

Hanging out with Gabe

While we were waiting the arrival of Cameron we got to spend some quality time with Gabe, Owen's cousin. Gabe did a great job playing with Owen. He wanted to share his cars with him and would get very upset when Owen cried.

Chris came over too to hang out a bit and meet his new nephew.

Heading to Ohio

We headed out to Ohio a few weeks ago to visit the family and to be there for the arrival of Cameron Toops into the family. Owen did great on the plane ride, he ate and slept for most of the trip.