Thursday, November 20, 2008


I have a bit of a cold this week and Owen thinks that my sneezes are the funniest things - we were finally able to get him on tape laughing.

Monday, November 10, 2008

5 months old

Owen is now 5 months old and getting big. At his last doctors appt Owen was 17lbs and 27 inches long - the 50th percentile for weight and 80th percentile for height.
(Thanks Stacy for my shirt!)
Owen is getting very active and flexible. He loves playing with this feet and taking off his socks.

Owen loves his solid foods! He has had cereal, peas, carrots, and pears. He actually does a pretty good job of getting most of the food in his mouth. He beats on the high chair if you are too slow - I think he gets that from Ryan.

Thanks uncle Ben for lending Owen your favorite blanket. He loves to snuggle up with it when we go for walks.

Future CEO

Owen can't wait to help his dad run the business. He is already trying to type and he wants to get his own e-mail address. We told him maybe when he turns one.

Oak Glen

I don't think you were supposed to climb the trees to get the apples but when does Ryan ever follow the rules?

We took Owen up to Oak Glen to pick some apples this weekend. We all had a great time. Owen is starting on solid foods and had a good time licking the apple.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Hot Tubbin', Country Day, Halloween

Mom and Dad took me to the Harvest Fair in San Bernardino (so Dad could taste test 30 chili's at the Chili Contest that just happened to be there)... and I had so much fun seeing all the 1800's style town with Cowboys and Indians.

My First Pumpkin... I carved it myself with a huge knife Daddy let me play with! I went as a "I Love my Mummy" Mummy.

Hot Tubbin'

Friday, October 10, 2008

Jumping Around

Owen has had his jumper for a while now but he just discovered how it works today. Before he would just kind of stand there and play just a little but then start crying. Today a light clicked in his head and realized that he had legs and he could move them around. He jumped around for a good 20 minutes.

4 Months Old!

Owen is officially 4 months old! We head to the doctor in a few weeks for a checkup.He is growing like a weed! We are putting clothes away all the time because is outgrowing them so fast. He now has 3 teeth, one on top and two on the bottom. He thankfully has not yet bit mom!

Owen is a big drooler. I don't know if it is the teeth but he drools non stop.

Helping dad do some yard work.
He is not yet ready to craw but he definitely wants to be moving around.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Getting bigger every day

Owen is growing more and more every day. He is about 14 pounds and just got his first tooth this weekend. He also has started to roll over when he is really mad. His personality is starting to show more and more every day.

Owen still likes to sleep with one hand up.
Owen and Dad at BW3's watching the game.

Thanks Grandpa Tom for my great sign. It looks wonderful in my room!
This is how Dad feeds me when mom is at work.

Cameron's Here!

Cameron Reed Toops joined the family September 3rd. He was almost the exact same weight and length as Owen. Mom, Jeannie is doing great. Jeannie decided to have two epidurals-one extra for her sis that didn't get to have one.

Grandma, daughters, and grandsons

Uncle Chris and the two little boys. We were sad that big brother Gabe wasn't at the hospital but he had the sniffles.
Uncle Ryan holding Cameron.

Having Fun in Ohio

Owen road in the stroller like a "big boy" for the first time in Ohio. This was also the first time we had to break out the jacket and shoes.
Hanging out in Grandpa Tony's office.
Sleeping with Grandpa Tom after swimming
This was Owen's first time in the pool. He was fine until he got his belly wet and then decided that it was too cold for him.

Grandpa Tom and Owen

Grandma Laura and her 2 boys (just a few hours before she got her third)

Hanging out with Gabe

While we were waiting the arrival of Cameron we got to spend some quality time with Gabe, Owen's cousin. Gabe did a great job playing with Owen. He wanted to share his cars with him and would get very upset when Owen cried.

Chris came over too to hang out a bit and meet his new nephew.

Heading to Ohio

We headed out to Ohio a few weeks ago to visit the family and to be there for the arrival of Cameron Toops into the family. Owen did great on the plane ride, he ate and slept for most of the trip.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Talk, Talk, Talk

Owen gets in his talking moods after bath time... we caught one on video

Our growing boy

Owen had his 2 and a half month check up this week. He is 12lbs 4 oz and 24 inches long. He is in the 75th percentile for both height and weight. The doctor said he is doing great and right where he should be. He can lift his head a full 90 degrees when on his tummy and talks to us all the time. Owen loves his bath time. He likes us to fill his baby tub all the way and let him float on his back. If we don't let him have a long bath he cries when we take him out.