Monday, November 10, 2008

5 months old

Owen is now 5 months old and getting big. At his last doctors appt Owen was 17lbs and 27 inches long - the 50th percentile for weight and 80th percentile for height.
(Thanks Stacy for my shirt!)
Owen is getting very active and flexible. He loves playing with this feet and taking off his socks.

Owen loves his solid foods! He has had cereal, peas, carrots, and pears. He actually does a pretty good job of getting most of the food in his mouth. He beats on the high chair if you are too slow - I think he gets that from Ryan.

Thanks uncle Ben for lending Owen your favorite blanket. He loves to snuggle up with it when we go for walks.

1 comment:

Grandpa Tony said...

Owen, you just couldn't be any cuter. Looks like dad and mom are really enjoying you and watching you grow up. Take it a little slower and enjoy all of the attention. Try hiding your socks next, just to aggravate your parents! Can't wait to see you at Christmas time. Love, Grandpa Tony