Friday, May 22, 2009

Englewood Dam

Grandma and Grandpa got Owen a swing - as you can tell he loves it!

Owen is ready for some fishing with grandpa tony.

Owen likes playing in the creek just like his mom.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Owen's Ohio visit

Owen and great grandpa
Smiling with great grandma

Owen was all ready to go at the airport.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Having fun

Starting to show a little - I'm about 14 weeks or so.
Mmmmm spaghetti

Owen's favorite toys -the dishes

Owen's first baseball game

The family at the 66ers minor league game.

Owen was a tired little boy when we left the game.

Owen loved his hot dog!

Building the Pergola

We still need to get the caps on the pillars and wall but we (Ryan) are almost done. We will have some great shade and seating for Owen's B-Day party.

Ryan some how did this all by himself - he is getting pretty handy.

Owen is helping with the measurements

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Bathtime is fun!

As soon as you get Owen undressed he sprints down the hallway to the bathtub, no matter if it is bathtime or not!